chapter 52

Deathmask spoke,"Everybody fight as you see fit, but do not forget about our rear. We must protect them as good as we can!"

The boy and Mr. Big rushed towards the mechs.

Deathmask hit one of the mechs with his fists but it was for naught. His fist was screaming out with pain.

He thought,"That bloody hurts! These suckers are made of much tougher materials than the tanks were made of."

He used his hand slices to cut the mech.

But it did not work!

The boy spoke,"Lord, I have no weapons! What so I need to do?"

A voice says,"Use your speed!"

Deathmask sped up to mach four and his body heated up due to his increased speed.

He sliced the mech into pieces, revealing the sliced remains of an Ibor soldiers.

Deathmask yelled out,"The mechs are weak to heat from high speed."

Four more mechs encircled the boy.

He sliced the mechs, like a hot knife through butter.

Five mechs were battling Big and they were punching him on all sides. Mechs were too close to each other to fire projectiles.

Big couldn't dodge all the blows, so he did not bother to even try. Joe was fast for his size, but he was not a speedster, like Deathmask or Billy was, so he decided to stick with what he was good at. He started to swing wildly in all directions as he possibly could. The former world champion was known for his toughness and sheer power. You could not go blow for blow with Joe, if you wanted to live very long.

Big punched a huge hole clean through one of the mechs, killing the pilot inside the machine instantly.

The remaining mechs fired at Big with much desperation.

Big was covered in a mighty explosion and smoke.

The smoke clears and Big was gone.

One of the mechs looks up and sees the mighty Big up in the air with limbs spread out in four different directions.

Big lands on top of all four mechs knocking them down to the ground.

Joe grabs one of the mechs and snaps it cleanly in two.

One of the remaining mechs fires a laser, but Big used the torso of broken mech as a shield. The mech was destroyed by the blast.

The three remaining mech paused when they were understood that there had been friendly fire among themselves.

Big decided to prey upon their hesitation. He hit the three mechs squarely in the chests.

The three pilots were killed instantly.


Pete created an optical illusion that caused the four mechs to fire upon each other. Each of the

four mechs thought that they were firing upon Pete.

All four mechs were destroyed by friendly fire.


Billy had heard Deathmask's advice and sped up to mach five. He fired at the mechs and filled them holes, like an Uzi shooting up a tin can.


Kill Joy shouted,"I hoped that you are ready because we got company!"

Bob had his back to the action, while being behind a chest high wall.

He turned around to face the action as he pulled out a two large bazookas and fired upon the two mechs.

The mechs were destroyed by Bob's attacks.

Bob reverted back to his original position and puts up one of his chubby thumbs up in victory.

Kill Joy could not help but laugh.


The group raced towards the location of the nearby power generator by using the GPS in kill joy power suit.

The unit found another set of elite troopers guarding the power generator. There was ten troopers ready to battle them. It would be two on one this time.

Big went to fought the two biggest of the elite troopers. These two troopers each had a laser bazooka in each arm, preparing to fire upon the giant. The former champ was not frightened in the least.

The elite troopers fired upon Big but he jumped up into the air.

He flew down at the duo and performed a double flying lariat on them.

The two troopers were knocked down to the ground hard as Joe lands on the ground with a thud.

Big grabbed one of the troopers and placed him upon his comrade. He squeezed the two together and lifted them up into the air.

He leaped up into the air and did a double piledriver!

Both of the troopers were smashed into the concrete ground. The two troopers were killed instantly.


Deathmask was fighting two elite troopers, like the one he fought before, just a little bit tougher this time.

The boy was racing with the two troopers, while going up to mach four.

The warrior could not get a clean hit on the duo, but the troopers were starting to get grazing hits on him.

The strikes were more insulting to Deathmask than they were painful.

Deathmask could move at mach one, while in his power suit. The deathmask allowed him to move at mach four or faster.

The boy sped up to mach five and sliced them to little pieces with his kicks.


Pete was hiding from his foe as he usually did, until he was prepared to attack.

The elite troopers were firing upon everything in the area in the attempt to destroy Pete.

What the enemy troopers did not know that Pete was hiding at their very feet. He was hiding inside their shadows.

Pete stood behind one the troopers and grabbed him by the neck. He snapped the trooper's neck, which caused the trooper to pull the trigger on his rifle.

The dying trooper killed his own comrade, while dying himself.

Eight of the ten troopers had been killed two troopers remained.