chapter 7

Agatha and her new daughter were eating some sandwiches as they started to talk.

Cindy spoke, "I was most certainly a rape baby between my sperm donor and one of his former

employees. I never heard who she was, besides I got her first name from her. That was what I picked up from hearing various gossip from my former nurses. One day I overheard that the monster killed her because she tried to report him to the police. He butchered her, like a cow and fixed her flesh as barbecue beef. The leftovers of her corpse were buried in the orphanage's dirt floor in the basement and covered in cement."

Agatha held Cindy's hand to try to comfort her daughter.

She continued, "I was given medicine to force me into early puberty. I had my first period on my ninth birthday and that demon rapped me that same day. My bed was covered in blood from my privates that stood out, due to the white sheets that I had. He told me that it was normal that a father would do with a daughter. I was young and dumb and had no idea of how sex was supposed to work. He

took advantage of my innocence. I washed in the shower over the next seven years, up to ten times a day to clean the dirtiness off of me. But, it never came off, but my skin started to peel."

"The nurses got pissed off and would only let me have five-minute showers, no matter if I had soap still on me or not. They dragged me out kicking and screaming. They had no concern for me, other than they were given them money to do the bare minimum for me. I got pregnant while being pumped full of fertility drugs. I gave birth to fifteen babies at once, but they were all stillborn. That monster beat me for that, like that it was my fault. It had never had been reported to have that many babies at once and expect them to live. Their chances to live were next to zero while having a supposed natural birth. Nine more months, I again gave birth to fifteen more babies, with better medical treatment. Those angels all survived from what I heard. They were all sold into the black market for the highest dollar, as soon as they were potty trained. They were all taken from me, with only a fleeting glance on their countenance."

Agatha was sick to her stomach from what she had been told by Cindy.

The young woman spoke, "I gave birth to seventy-six more healthy children. My one hundred and seventh angel was murder by that devil. He cut it out of me after he found out about Pete. I shot

that fiend for killing my baby with his favorite gun. Pete burned his body and all the evidence of that hell. I needed a lot of medical treatment to keep me alive and healthy, after having all those darlings.

We did not have any money to get the care that I needed, Pete made a hard decision to sell all the

drugs that he could so that I could get the treatment to stay alive. He got lost in it, after just a few years."

Agatha spoke, "You had said more than enough for today. I will get through all this, while

being at your side."

Cindy smiled with tears in her eyes as she said, "Thank you, mother!"


While at her first prenatal visit, she was found out to have the worst female problems that the clinic had ever seen in their whole history. Her doctor tried to get the young woman to abort the baby, but Cindy laid the doctor clean out with a punch. Once he awoke, Cindy told the doctor off.

"At least sixteen of my babies had been murdered already, you are not gonna take my last chance to be able to care for one of them! If you report me, then I will tell you the local news that you attacked me. I will also say that you tried to kill my unborn child! Do you hear me?"

The doctor spoke, "Yes Cindy, I was wrong to say that. Do you need some silence money to keep quiet?"

Cindy blacked out his other eye as she yelled, "I am no whore, I am a one man woman and Pete

is my man. Once he gets sober enough for his satisfaction, he will make an honest woman out of me. He promised me that when I was in the hospital the last time! I don't need your dirty money, but what I

need is a healthy baby! If it has any problems, I am going to murder you in front of everybody! Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?"

The wounded doctor spoke, "Yes Ma'am, I will do all I can for the two of you."

Cindy stormed out of the doctor's office, leaving the doctor with two black eyes.


Nine months go by and the two women are in the hospital, waiting for Cindy to give birth

to her one hundred and eighth child. She had decided to wait to see the sex of the baby until they were

born. Cindy had given birth to one hundred and eight babies, so she did not even grimaced once, or let

out a peep. She gasped out with joy when she that her baby had been delivered her baby safely.

Cindy screamed out, "Give me that baby now or I will split all of your skulls!"

One of the nurses quickly handed the baby into its mother's arms.

A nurse says, "It is a boy, Cindy."

Agatha was crying along with her daughter, next to the delivery bed.

Cindy spoke, "She is beautiful Momma. Can I trust you that if I die before you to care for little Petey in my place?"

Mom spoke, "Yes, I will baby! But we need to get the paperwork done that I had officially adopted you, like my child. Then I will be your next of kin if Pete has not returned from the war. He will

lead the boy's upbringing if you had passed before his return. But God forbid that would happen. But, we need to be prepared if the worst would happen, and hope that the best would occur to us.


Three months go by and the small family of Cindy, Petey, and Mom are doing great. Cindy

would never let Petey out of ether hers or Agatha's eyes. Mom had talked to her daughter into letting her watch the newborn by herself so that Cindy could run her business again.

It was hard to run the busy plumbing business on her own, but she had now two secretaries to help her with the paperwork of the enterprise while having four full-time plumbers to go out on calls.

Cindy was proud that she was able to run the show without Pete and Bob.


One day a man in black goes into the small office that was filled with various office equipment, such as desks, and computers. Cindy had set up some padded chairs for clients could sit in, while

getting the jobs arranged. The woman had set up some pictures of the staff and some ornaments to

add some charm to the office.

Cindy gets up from her desks and walks over to shake the man's hand, but the man wouldn't

return the favor.