chapter 20 page 2

It was back to the battle at hand, and Deathmask was getting electrocuted by the four enemies.

The warriors were laughing at the pain that the young man was feeling.

Deathmask spoke, "Is that all you got?"

This comment caused the four attackers to hesitate for a moment, in which Deathmask took advantage of their weakness. He broke free of their grip as the cables hit the hard ground with a spark.

The officer gave each of the four baddies a hand strike in their necks. Blood gushed from their wounds, as a small virgin pussy being fucked by an eighteen-inch cock. The warriors fall to the ground dead still pouring blood in the ground below.

Thirty-five opponents remain.


Big was surrounded by twenty warriors of various sizes. The huge man started to laugh uncontrollably.

"I fight at least twenty at a time or I don't even get a proper warm-up."

The attackers didn't take kindly to that and started to fire all their guns at the former champion with abandon. Their guns had all overheated due to overuse. They started to hear laughing coming from the smoky remains.

Big put the fear of God in the attackers as he chased after them. One after another was slain in the black man's rampage.

Nineteen opponents remain.


Pete was killing man after man with ease until he found a large man riding inside a tank. The machine was using heat sensing technology to fire upon the assassin. He was barely dodging the attacks when he gets an idea. Hide under the belly of the tank and caused the heat-seeking projectiles to destroy the machine.

The plan went without a hitch and the tank was destroyed by its cannon.

The rest of the unit finished off the remaining opponents.

Zero competitors remain.