Chapter 13

Larry had to take a cab, since his police car was being impounded for now. It was a further slap in the face that he wasn't allowed to take his belongings out of the vehicle. He kept his cool and returned back to his fortress of a home.

The captain paid the cab driver for the ride and unlocked the front door to the house. Mary heard somebody coming trough the front door, so she decided to take a look to see who had came in. Only Harry and his family could enter into the house, without setting off the alarm system.

Mary spoke,"Harry, why are you home so early?"

Harry spoke,"I got suspended for killing those kids the other day."

She spoke,"But they attack us and left you no other choice but to fight back against them!"

He spoke,"That was what I had said, but it didn't matter to the chief."


Meanwhile, at the Dirty City police chief's office, a person entered the room without making a word.

The chief had his back to the door.

"Harry, you are not gonna change my mind!"

The chief turned around to a man in a rabbit suit.

Before the chief had the chance to respond, The serial rabbit slashed the cop in half vertically with a gas powered chainsaw.

The chief was not the only victim at the Dirty City police department.


About thirty minutes earlier, the serial rabbit had used a stolen semi truck to crash into the front of the police station.

Five cops were crushed to death by the vehicle or the falling debris.

It was a rare night that all of the police force were there for the annual station party. It was an event that all wished that they hadn't attended, but hindsight is 20/20.

There was ninety five cops remaining.

Two officers come out to see what had occurred.

The serial rabbit used a harpoon gun to kill the first officer in the neck.

The killer reloaded the gun and shot the second cop in the balls.

The man was left to die by blood loss.

Ninety three victims remain.

The serial rabbit walked into the hallway with a flame thrower.

Twelve officers charge at the serial rabbit with guns reloaded.

But it was too late, since the men were set ablaze by the flame thrower.

Eighty one victims remained.

Ten cops had the rabbit surrounded in a slowing closing circle.

They fired at the killer, but he went into bullet time.

The officers were all killed by friendly fire.

Seventy one cops remained.

The serial rabbit found the main circuit breaker of the building and turned the power out.

The officers had the misfortune to step upon various land mines set by the killer. Cops were blown into pieces that left the victims beyond recognition.

Thirty seven officers remained.

The chief was listening to loud music, while dead drunk. So he thought all the noise was just in his head.

The serial rabbit jumped out of the second story window that was behind the chief's desk. The

killer was unharmed by the rough landing. He got in a black out hummer, as he pressed a controller with a comically large red button, as he drove off to safety.

The police station was blown into oblivion.

Zero officers were left.


Meanwhile at the same time, the bunny man was walking enter into the local jail house with the entire sixty sheriff force still inside ready to rise for action since the police force was all goofing off.

The sheriff's office was in charge of keeping control of the jailhouse and other legal duties. But, if the police force was unavailable, the sheriff was responsible for keeping the peace.

Four men charge the armed man with guns firing.

The bunny blew all four deputies in the face.

Thirteen deputies shot the bunny man in the chest, but was of little effect.

This was due to the killer had been wearing a bullet proof vest. He used the urban legend of the bunny man to use a massive shrapnel grenade to piece the flesh of the deputies.

Forty three people remained.

The bunny man had came as an ordinary maintenance man earlier in the day to load traps into the ceiling. It consisted of all sorts of bladed weapons to pierced the remaining deputies in their necks and heads

Only the sheriff was left alive at this point. But not for long, since he was in his private bathroom toilet. A pipe bomb was placed in the water tank.

The heavyset man was launched through the ceiling with a trail of shit and flames coming out of his ass.

The bunny man used a nearby bulldozer to destroy the remains of the jail house. The cells were full of over twenty people, who watched in horror, as they were crushed to death.


Back at the Dirty City mayoral office, mayor Big Richard, was with another man in a fancy suit

doing a line of coke with a rolled wad of bucks.

The druggie stop his drug binge and spoke,"Those rabbit fuckers had killed everybody, but that

bitch that killed your kid! But those friends are on the trail of Harry and he will be dead in minutes.

Richard spoke,"My dick is a weapon of mass destruction! It will cum destruction upon all those go against me and the famil