chapter 25 page 3

It was over three hundred years ago when Banshee first ran across the hellish home as a twelve-year-old girl. She was the daughter of an infamous mistress in the local red light district. The mother's name was Madam Puss, for obvious reasons. It was said that she had slept with over one hundred different men, along half that amount with other women. She was an avid zoophile and loved all sorts of animal genitalia.

Banshee was named after all the screaming she had made when she was raped at only four years

old. Her mother had made over one-million that day in that lolicon fueled orgy. The poor girl had the sad misfortune to be able to carry a child at five-years-old. She had at least one child every nine months until had left home. She had done this to not be knocked again by those she deemed to be evil. Her babies were sold off the pedophiles to be raped at birth.

Banshee spoke, "Fuck me! I won't take part in a world that cums in all my holes day and night. Dammit, I can do it anymore! I have taken a knife with me in my stocking to protect myself. Why not just end it all and see if there is a heaven or hell! I don't care which since hell can't be fucking worse than this!"

She slit both of her wrists and sliced her throat.

Banshee spoke, "Great Shadow take me! I will be the ritual whore for your religion any day."

She then past off into the unknown of the afterlife. Banshee hoped that this would be the end to her suffering.