After the show, Rumble had finally met with his parents.
James and Anna were excited for their son, who looked like he had lost his best friend.
Anna asked,"What is wrong my boy?"
Rumble spoke,"I am still fighting ham and eggers! Where is the real challenge? I hope that I get some competition at the young lions' tag cup next week. I hated that they are making me wrestling tag, when I had only wrestled as a single. I am wrestling with somebody called the red flare. They thought flames go real with a phoenix who rises from the ashes. I hope that it will be better them.
James and Anna watched their son's debut at GCS. It went about the same as the previous debut.
It had been one week and Rumble had thirty wrestling matches against various jobbers, whose jobs are to make the stars look good. Such wrestlers are paid to be cannon fodder for the better known wrestlers. He had fought five cage matches in that time, as well. It was the day of the young lion tag tournament.
A old man that looks that has gotten much mileage on the journey called life is standing inside a
eighteen by eighteen foot sized ring. This ring was called by the wrestlers, as a workers' ring. This kind
of ring was made to more gentle that the twenty by twenty wrestling rings used by super heavyweight wrestlers. Both of the sports organizations that had hired Rumble were known by their smaller, faster technician wrestlers. They had heavyweights and supers, as well, to help drawn the fans to the arenas.
The smaller wrestlers kept the fans inside their seats, and made sure that they returned.
The aged man in a nice three piece suit finally speaks,"I have competed for over thirty years and I am a twenty time world champion!"
The people all chanted,"Yeah!"
The man yelled back "Yeah!"
This went on for several minutes.
"It is time for the moment at hand, and I have found eight teams consisting of the best tag wrestlers that had yet proven themselves as wrestlers. The first team is the furries!"
Two male wrestlers come out in fursuits, with one dressed as a fox with cartoon features. The other man was dressed, as some sort of lizard.
They enter the ring as they are introduced,"The fox wrestler is called Furry!"
The wrestler puts his paws up into the air, as trash is thrown at him.
"The lizard wrestler is called Scaly!"
The Ring was covered in trash, as the fans screamed out,"Die Fur fags, die!"
The old man didn't move an itch, as the noncompeting young lions, try to clean up the dirtied
"The second tag team is the moonshiners!"
The whole crowd stood to their, as two fat rednecks come out with moonshine jugs in their
hands. They are barefoot, while wearing dirty overalls, with straw hats.
"The taller man is called Cleetus and the smaller man is Rufus!
The fat men climbed over the top rope, as they raised their smelly armpits up into the air.
The old man spoke,"The third team is called Pretty Boys R' Us They are Connor and Duncan!"
Every woman in the crowd begun to scream out in glee, while their lovers boo.
The two men had long hair while no shirts on and leather pants. The pretty boys have a shirt collar around their neck with a bow tie.
"The fourth team is a team consisting of two robot brothers, Nuts and bolts, the Robo madness."
Every kid in the building yelled out with joy, as the team enters the ring.
"The fifth team is the hunters for hire, run and Gun!"
The two men were dressed, as big game hunters.
"The sixth team is consisting of Silver and Gold, the precious metals".
The two men were covered in over twenty pounds of precious metals.
"The seventh team is Rude and Crude, the Slut shamers!"
The two men were dressed as preachers with bibles in their hands, and ponchos in the other. The two were preaching about immortality, while they cover every half naked woman that was near them. Boos could be heard by the majority of the fans.
"The last team is consisting of two young prodigies! Humble Rumble and Red Flair."
The crowd lost it when they saw the ill made duo came out to the ring. Red flair was in a red and black colored outfit. The red was in the form of various flames over his body. He had a flame over
each of his mask's eye holes.
"I will now reveal the matches! The first match will be Humble Rumble and Red Flare vs the furries!"
The fans yelled, "Beat their ass! Rumble! Flare! Beat their ass!"
Rumble wanted to hit the mat and kick his feet, as ill behaved children
"The second match is The moonshiners vs Pretty Boys R' Us."
The crowd cheered.
"The third match will be Robo Madness vs Hunters for Hire! The last match will be the Precious Metals vs the Slut Shamers."
Everybody but the teams for the first match left the ring. A ref entered the ring and the bell was rung.