chapter 18 part 1

Red Flair and Shovel was in the center of the ring, waiting the moment to strike. The larger man was getting kicked in his side to little effect.

The huge biker grabbed up the smaller wrestler into a bear hug, as every breath forced his grip that much tighter.

Rumble yelled, "Flair, come on! You can do it!"

Red's arms were pinned by the larger man.

Flair could kick the foe in the nuts but the match would be over, so he started to kick the man's knees.

The ref was yelling, "Red Flair, do something before I end the match!"

Flair spoke, "The hell with that," as he started to force the biker down to knees.

Shovel lets go of his foe and fall unto his belly. Flair climbs up to the top turnbuckle, as Rumble does the same to the turnbuckle to the right of Flair.

As Shovel stands to his feet, both members of Kasai Tori give the fiercest dropkick to each of his knees. He falls to the ground, as the two men put the biker into a Rumble crab as he starts to tap out.

Pick Ax jumped in to save his partner before the ref could call the match. Both teams tag their partners out with Rumble and shovel. The biker was angry to see his partner being helped by medical staff. Rumble was sliding between the foe's legs while moving faster than a sliding baseball player.

Pick Ax couldn't get hold of his opponent.