Creating thing from novel{op}

During these three year's. Naruto asura art cultivated second level peak. He still has four grades to reach it's highest level of his art. But naruto learnt every knowledge he needed to learn In future. If he goes now to world top university he would receive his degree and be labelled as youngest degree holder and most intelligent being in the world but he want to wait he would do it when he is fifteen. He is waiting to reach sage state. Then he can use the sage art by using nature energy. Being a sage earth knowledge was only a tip of iceberg.

But he developed a habit in these year's that is study novel's which were interesting. So one year back he decided to create a AI . So he brought a laptop and used his programming skills. Which he learnt very well he used nearly six months and created a higher level language which is much more better and efficient to create a Perfect artificial intelligence and stored it in a chip. Then he place a rune over the chip then placed a soul which is refined after getting over hundred filthy soul's. Now it's extremely pure. Then I used it in system for two days the soul got every information on the present era and I also programme World scan which uses the vibrations of particles to determine everything. As it was growing strong day by day it reached highest mortal stage artifact but to become a system it need divinity and comprehension of world, elements which comes by time for that it need pure soul and long time of refining and heavenly tampering .

As my artificial intelligence has it's own character. I placed the another pure soul on the chip and used my soul force to put in the soul. And the soul refined the chip but it will take like six months to refine successfully. So I placed it inside my soul.

Today is the day which will show the final product. Well you can say most advanced artificial intelligence in this world humanity/sage ever created.

Since refining completed I brought it outside and went outside the house as I can feel tribulation. Also I knew since it is heaven defying system.

When I rushed outside my parents sensed the tribulation and immediately rank near the door. Then suddenly a lightning crash on naruto savegly. He used asura art to increase body cultivation. It increased crazily. The soul that is newly created is shivering. When naruto sensed it he used his body to block all the attacks which increased the

Asura body art by third stage(low) as three thunder completes it's job and disappeared in flash. As my blood fall on the artifact and energy around began to combine both of them.

Then a bright sound was heard in my head. [Potential system do you like to bind it with you master.]

Naruto: not now. But can you stay in the computer.

[sure master but I'm not the same you created as because after tribulation my basic structure itself changed now I'm not having soul or the component of computer. I only exist as a wave no one can kill me only creator of everything can erase from my existence . ]

Now I need to prepare time travel rune and send you back to primal time. Since you are only matter I hope less energy is required.

[what are you planning to do master?]

Naruto: I'm sending you to the primordial era using time rune. First I need to make the rune. The goal is for you to collect all the data happened from primordial era to the present and reach divine stage. afterwards we can bind each other that's your mission.

[sure master].

Naruto: I required more time to heal this time and to prepare time seal. So in this time just gather all cultivation techniques from earth from the secret files in all over the world and all the technique I know from my soul and idea novel's make a technique for yourself and practice.

[sure master. I will gather your data because it will take sometime from soul. But from those crappy supercomputer it takes hardly a minute.]

As naruto was talking to the system. His parent's rushed near him and took him inside as they saw the material that their son prepared has turn into dust. They took him to his room and started to remove his clothes and started to clean his bloody body. As he was cleaned kurama natural energy started to heal him. When I wake up I saw a devil who was staring at me with blood shot eye's.

Kushina: naruto what do you think you are doing. Even though you succeed in tribulation one time doesn't mean you can succeed again and this time what we're you doing to bring tribulation tell me everything.

{ naruto: damm I neverthought the anime character is same as my mother. She is very scary when pissed of.}

Minato: it's OK kushina let him take some time. He just recovered.

Kushina: you fool never talk when I'm talking to my son about serious issue which might lead to his death.

Minato: ha.. Ha.. Ha... 😅

Kushina: now explain yourself naruto.

Naruto: I was just curious about the novel that exist. So I tried to create a system with some of my theory. I just didn't imagine it would bring tribulation.

Kushina: you fool novel is novel. Even if you create a system do you think heaven's will be happy for it's existence which is heaven defying. You also same as your father forget about simple matter while doing some stupid things

Anyway your creation turned into dust. So are you going to try it again.

Naruto: mom who said my system got turn into dust. It just changed it's physical nature now it's in the form of wave. What do you say now mom?

Kushina: okk now before doing just say to me and you're dad. So what are you going to do now.

Naruto: I'm going to send it back to primal time and collect every knowledge from then and collect it after when I'm fifteen year old. By the time it will reach the highest peak.

Kushina: whatever you do just be careful.

Minato: son have you really created system and going to send it back to the primal time. It needs huge energy. Although it is negligeble matter but still to transfer it to past. Think carefully. Ok then have a good rest.

Naruto: thank you dad. When I was going to sleep. I heard a voice from my inner mind.

Kurama: naruto the thing in the novel you created is very interesting. Now I have formed mortal core which is normal in size and good level of purity. So now I'm going to destroy it tomorrow. Nothing will happen to you but I cannot recover you if you're injured and take me to a place where more natural energy is abundant and take that natural energy gathering seal and take your father somehow for extra security.

Naruto: sure but how many times are you going to break mortal core.

Kurama: good question about seven times if my calculation is correct. I will probably stay in refining for one month.

Naruto: sure but I will be bored partner.

(what will naruto do in this one month)