WebNovelMy Voice13.79%

Dream BIG dreams

When I was little, my parents told me, "you can be whoever you want to be." To dream, BIG, dreams....

You want to be the president? Then be the president. You want to be an astronaut? Then the sky is never the limit....

I wanted to be a writer, to create a world with limitless possibilities... I knew in order to live my dream that I needed to become a good reader, because if you want to write a world, you first need to know how to make one... (hesitantly admitting) Problem was, I was TERRIBLE at reading. But that wasn't going to stop me, because I wanted to be a writer... So for reading time for 2nd grade, I brought the book 'Harry Potter.'

I was so excited to read, to enter a new world.... As I brought my book out from my desk, the teacher came over. "What book are you reading?" She asked, and with childlike pride, I answered, "Harry Potter!" She scowled, snatching the book out of my hands, and said, "You're too stupid to read this." .... (Long pause) ....

(Then getting louder, with more passion)

People constantly tell us, what we can and can't do. That the problem here, isn't me, it's you. And the lies that they tell us, we start thinking their true.... And soon, you stop believing in you.

They tell us, "No, you can't do this! No! You can't do that! (Little pause) You're too stupid" ...

Well, I've prove them wrong! (little pause) I'll show them all (rising passion) That I won't let them tell me WHAT I CAN'T AND CAN DO.

They tell us, "Get your head out of the clouds, and listen to me, because you won't measure up to anything." Lies.

They tell us, "No, you can't think this way, you must think inside of a box! And stop believing in your dreams, because that's all they'll ever be...." Their wrong.

People have to stop putting limitations on ourselves, and let us dream-To let us try-and believe in ourselves. (Slightly getting more quiet) But when we let the words of others affect us, we start believing in their lies, and not ourselves.


I still have a hard time writing today, doubting myself, thinking I'm not good enough.... That no matter how hard I try... I'll never be good enough...

But even though people keep telling me no, I go... I try, and run harder to my goal to prove them wrong. Because they are the ones who have stopped believing, and are trying to drag me down, to make themselves feel better about their failures- that they failed, and stopped believing in themselves. But I try, and continue in spite of my failures, and their lies. Because my dreams aren't theirs, their mine. And to dream BIG dreams isn't a crime! AND I'LL PROVE ALL THOSE PEOPLE WRONG, BECAUSE I'M STRONG, BECAUSE I BELIEVE IN MY DREAMS, AND I BELIEVE IN ME.
