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They say it's your birthday

A letter to my mother 

They say it's your birthday

My mom would throw amazing birthday parties. I was always excited, "Mom, Mom, what should my theme be?" "Camille, your birthday isn't for another six months." I know, I want to be prepared for it." I got so persistent that my mother told me, "You aren't allowed to discuss your birthday party till September." "But mom, that's not enough time!" "Camille, that's plenty of time."

            One year was Harry Potter themed, mom had printed the invitations as train tickets, and there where bertie botts every flavored beans in these beautifully made pouches. My mom went all out, as she did for every year for our birthdays.

When Bree told her friends that she thought she shouldn't have a theme that year because she thought she was getting too old for them, they told her, "What? No, you're themes are so cool! They're so much fun!" My mom had a talent for throwing amazing birthday parties.

            The reason why my mother had put so much effort into our birthdays was because when she had always thrown her own parties. She'd clean the house, baked her own cake, and made her own party games. Her parents forgot her birthday, and three times they remembered in the middle of the night. "Happy birthday, it's too late, so we didn't get you anything."

            My mother wanted us to never feel unimportant or forgotten. That's why she put so much effort into our birthdays. My mother loves me and wants me to have a great time. So when I talk to my mom about our birthday, she tells me "Camille, your birthday isn't for another six months!"
