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Sure, there are bad bacteria out there, but that shouldn't drown out the fact that we need Bacteria. Your body contains thousands of bacteria, most helping your body to work right. Bacteria breaks things down.

Decomposition needs bacteria to break down and release carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere. Without bacteria, the carbon dioxide would stay trapped in our bodies, and be would run out of air. We all have an important role in this ecosystem, and without these parts, the rest wouldn't be able to function-or breathe.

Don't be afraid of bacteria, you have millions in your body. Have you eaten yogurt recently? That's bacteria. It actually helps your stomach break down materials so you can absorb the good stuff. You should still wash your hands though.

11.11.19 Monday

SCI 259 ch 18 biology, bacteria


That's why we say, "let me break it down for ya," when explaining things ;P