I shouldn't need to be saved, so let go and I remain
With a heavy heart
Take a moment to me
Breath in and say
Thank you for the clarity
And thank you for those times and memories
Thank you, family.
Now I must go,
Here I depart, so I may grow
And I say
Thank you my friend
For those times
And being my friend
And here I say
That I must stay
And you'll go
And we'll grow
And when we'll come back
We'll reminics
For now though I miss this
I miss this
I dive in too deep
Fall too fast
But hey, it makes a bigger crash
I learn this way
Again and again
As hard as it hurts
I get back up again
And it takes time to heal
So let me heal,
Take a breath,
Take a breath-
Take a moment for me
When I heal, I can reminsic with you
For now, though, I need a moment to myself,
Thank you.