WebNovelMy Voice72.41%

In a dream (in progress)

I used to have nightmares


Too early for me.


Aren't ready for

Gave me nightmares for ten years

A never ending nightmare because a world without you isn't supposed to exist. Not in one of my probabilities I would have imagined again of an outcome like this.

In a dream

You feel like a dream. How is it possible that you're here? With me? That you chose me? Is it a dream? Because I'm befuttled by this ananomly, because something is actually working for me.

How? In all these possibilities I've dreamed, but the ones I couldn't foresee astound me.

It still feels like a dream, one that if I could, I'd rather wake up from.

I want to feel like I'm living, rather than dreaming a dream.

Be present, then past tense.

I'm like in the pre-stage, kinda like the groggy after a deep rem

Disoriented, and not really there because most of you isn't quite there yet, like,

brain eta expected to arrive later this afternoon

Made of parts, heart,s, dream stages
