Love love love, our motto.
Feel love,
Words, touch, service, time and gifts.
So when you yell at me, swear and tell me how I supposedly feel-every quality I appose and refuse to be
You call me,
Words, you justify from your expression, to your lips, to your eyes, and your voice.
You shout.
Black sludge and a cacophony of ugly things that truly only reflect your grief and self loathing.
You can heal from hurting, but not by hating.
You can long for love, but not by loathing.
You can saite your sadness with satisfaction
And grieve by giving yourself the distance to heal and
You aren't Comfortable if you step on nails, (eggshells) your world dwindles and dwindles till you confront your fears,
your blame,
you're self hatred.
Black, oozing from your eyes and
Unable to speak, mind clouded by grind
And your world only dwindles if you remain blind.