Freedom in progress

I had big dreams in my head ever since I was a child

Call my name

Not one second forgotten

Forever in fame

I know they say

have a goal in mind

Because we had this pretty picture in my head of what success meant.

So focused on the destination

That we rush by the moments to consider as to wonder why

Am I chasing so hard~when it's making me miserable

No matter the accomplishments, it was never enough

My senior year I learned about opportunity cost, and you have to consider is it worth what you lost

When did we trade wealth for health

Generic skills for individual self

That we left behind as a nation

Left behind satisfaction for "success"

When we were little, adults would constantly ask us what we wanted to be when we grew up.

When did we lose. Less

What are country fought for? When do we stop believing that people were more than a number or a test score?

Life liberty and the pursuit of happiness