
Chapter 3 - Prepare to Fight

It is 7:45 AM and the fog gently sways above the river.

John is up and ready to start the engine.

He slowly takes time to enjoy the sunrise.

The river slowly flows as the birds sing.

John watch Mr. James and his family sleep.

John slowly reaches out to grab the bag of food so that nobody would wake up.

"I'll have a beer..." Mr. James suddenly said.

"Oh... Mr. James You're up?" John asks surprisingly.

"You can drop the formal act son and call me James Fernandè Carlos instead..." said Mr. James politely.

"I would, but I'll just go with James then..." John replied giving James a beer.

A few minutes after everyone woke, John started the engine and began to move straight ahead.

They passed a few trees and saw a small town.

"Hold up... I think it's best we kill the engine now so that we can avoid a welcome party..." James said to John.

John switched off the engine and began to think 'James is a very smart man... They might be mexican people, but they've lived as americans longer than I have...' and Smile at Misses Jen.

"Dear... we need more blankets, last night was very cold and me and Roberto nearly froze to death..." Misses Jen said to James.

"I'm Sorry Misses Jen... I'll make sure you and Roberto get everything you need!" John said confidently.

"Please... call me Jenna Moria Carlos..." Misses Jen said kindly.

"Jen it is..." John replied smiling the other way.

John and James both paddled the boat closer to the edge of the river using the old wood inside the boat.

"Everyone be very quiet and take what is needed most... We need to hide behind those trees over there!" John whispered to everyone.

They slowly began to grab a few things from the boat and walked to the left side of the forest.

John scouts around them looking for any movement.

The 4 of them slowly walk closer to the main street of town.

"Hey... I know this place, this is Summer-West Ave. I used to come here..." James said using his inner voice.

"I can tell there's a supermarket close by... Across the street behind Jona's Bar... We might as well head there now!" James softly said.

"I agree with Papa, this place is a ghost town..." Roberto said out loud.

John grabs Roberto's arm and say "It might appear that way, But this seems more like a surprise party..." and let go of his arm.

John stands up with a rock in his hand.

He takes a step forward and throws the rock into town hitting a trash can.

They wait a few seconds and suddenly a door opens and 3 infected came out.

They walk towards the trash can and stand there confused.

Soon after another two joins the group.

"How did you know?" James whispered.

"I just know that some never leaves a building... but that's not the reason why I threw that rock..." John answered softly.

"Then why did you do it?" Roberto asked John.

"I needed to see from which direction they came from in order to know which way is clear... Sometimes a group breaks as some of them move to a different location, but they never move more than 400 meters from each other... So as you can see those 5 were a group before and it looks like one more is about to join... They all came from the left corner over there so the best way to go is far on the right..." John explained pointing out the way.

It wasn't long before the 4 of them started walking slowly towards the left, a few infected were in the street.

"There might not be many of them, but if we take long that number will increase..." John said with a serene face.

They finally manage to slip through and stop infront of the supermarket entrance.

"Why are we stopping here?" Jen asked John.

"We have to make sure the amount of infected inside aren't more than we could handle... Okay James, you scout the right and see how many you can find the rest follow me to the right... And by all means, avoid making noise at all time so we have less infected to deal with..." John explained entering the supermarket.

The slowly enter the Store.

John tries to seal the door without making noise.

James takes a walk into the Market to look for infected on the left side of the Store.

John close the doors leaving the garage open.

John and the others walk towards the right side and suddenly they hear things fall from the shelf.

"James you okay...?" John whispered.

The sound of John's voice echoed throughout the store.

A few seconds passed and John prepares to head over to the left side with the other two.

"I'm okay, I just had to deal with one on the other side... As he went down, his arm knocked a few things off the shelf, but I believe we should be clear now..." James said walking towards them.

He drops a bloody kitchen knife and hug his wife and son.

"Okay everyone listen quickly... Before anything else we have to focus on safety first! Nothing means anything if we're not alive... Let's just say the things that used to be important to the people out there are no longer needed, but because we're alive we still need those things... So stay sharp and don't take unnecessary risks by any means necessary..." John said with a serious face.

"First we need to secure the store till we're ready to move again... Starting with the enterance, look for any vulnerable places the infected might get in and start to baracade, oh and try not to make noise coz this place is too big for us to baracade ourselves in... So we remember this is temporary - we won't be staying long..." John instructed the others walking towards the front door.

He tries to pull down the garage without making noise but the tracks on the sides are rusty and dry.

(Little Sqeek noises) John stops for a moment and bends down to see if some of the infected is coming.

He slowly continues to close it until the tracks loose grib and slides swiftly to the ground and closes.

"Shit! That was loud... I'm really hoping we're the only ones who heard it..." John as sweat is dripping from his face.

They walked inside and begin to grab things and open up bottles.

A few minutes passed after they feast upon different foods and snacks when a soft tap sound in the far back end starts.

Everyone is sitting on the floor together talking and laughing until John hears the soft pounding far back.

"Shhhht... Everyone quiet!" John whispered loudly.

"Something wrong John...?" James asked.

"I heard something... I believe it's coming from the front door... Everyone stay put while I check things out and while I'm gone keep quiet..." John whispered and left to check the front door.

(Grrrahh) John hears the infected knocking on the glass doors and runs back to the others.

"James, Jen, Roberto... I'm afraid we overstayed our welcome... Just... Quickly grab a few things while I look for another way out!" John said and ran around the store.

"Oh no!" Jen said wanting to cry.

"Honey... be quiet, We don't want anymore of them here..." James said to his wife.

"No point on doing that now, they know we're here and they won't stop until they get in... We don't have much time, things are about to get worse! Ah Shit... we need to think of something fast or we're fucked!" John said screaming from the other side of the store.

"What should we do?" James asks John.

"I got it... John grabs a few weapons from the shelf on the far left side anything sharp you can find... Jen... You and the boy come with me now! James...! We're going to the back at the loading site we might as well drive the hell out of here and get as far away from here as we can... we can load the supplies in the back! Roberto hurry up and grab a few bottles... We might not have another chance to grab supplies so we do it now!" John shouts pointing out what needs done.

James runs over to John and Jen and gives them each a sharp weapon to fight with.

"Here Darling, you fight too!" James said to his wife.

The quickly enters the back of the store where a truck is full of unopened boxes.

John jumps down a big step and run towards one of the infected.

"James... There's quite a few here! Grab your weapon and help me kill them... Jen! look for the keys to the truck so we can get the hell out of here!" As John and James fight, Jen takes a look in the truck to find the keys.

John and James is pinned down doing their best not to get bitten.

(Keys rattle) "I Found them!" Jen shouts running towards James.

John is able to free himself from one (Screaming) and hears a voice coming from the store.

"Roberto!" Jen shouts as hard as she could.

John takes the shovel and bash the head of the infected holding James down.

James rushes up.

"James... Go! Jen get the truck started right now...! I'll get the gate..." John yells.

"I can't drive this thing..." Jen said to John and cries.

"It's okay... don't worry about it, I'll drive..." John said trying to keep Jen calm.

James finally runs out the store towards the truck carrying Roberto.

"Get in! We have to go, now!" John shouts looking out the opened door.

James hands Roberto over to climb in first and John follows after.

The door shuts and John floors the gas driving out fast.

"Oh my God... Is he okay? my little boy, he's only 14 years old..." Jen said with a crying voice.

"He's fine darling... I made it just in time to save him..." James said out of breath.

John manage to hit a few infected off the road and keeps on driving.

"We need to avoid the free way... James what's a better way out of the neighbourhood?" John asks James and looks back and forth.

"Haaagh... Keep going straight till you see a board that says 'Queens club-west' turn right there, you'll find one of the high way roads there, not many people drive there since the road was closed for a long time..." James said with pain.

"John! Something's wrong... I think James is hurt..." Jen said to John staring at him.

John suddenly stops the truck to look at James and see how James face turns completely sweaty and pale.

"No no no no....! How did this happen!?" John asks James sadly.

"Sorry John... I had to..." James softly said to John.

"I know... I might not have kids, but at least I know I would have done it if he was mine..." John said having a tear fall from his eyes.

Swiftly James suddenly feels better and grab hold of John's hand.

"While I'm able to move let's take a walk into the field John, just you and me..." James said to John opening the door.

"No Love! You can't go..." Jen said to James and cry.

"Moria! This is the only way and You know it my dear... please continue to be the best loving mother to Roberto... (coughing) Son... what this world needs is a man, That is what your mother will need... be strong and help John the best you can, listen to him as your own father! James said coughing blood.

"Papa no! I can't live without you, there are so many things that I wanted you to teach me, It is you who must show me the way of being a man Papa, you!" Roberto said crying and holding his mother tightly.

"I'm really sorry boy... this is what I feared but leaving you with this man makes it much easier to take my rest... I trusted him from the start and he kept us alive this far, I know he's the right man I can trust with my family... John! treat them as your own..." James said kindly.

John wiped his tears and help James out of the truck and walks into the forest.

"John... take this! I got it last year from a friend who told me that I need to protect my family... I give this to you knowing you will need it one day... When rules are no more, people go out of control... I'm afraid you'll have to face things worse than dead bodies walking the earth... Trust no one! And John I know you have a purpose, take all the help you can get to reach your goal... Start with me and finish the job! My family must not see me as one of them..." James said with blood flowing from his eyes and gives John a police pistol.

Suddenly James falls to the ground and starts to rattle.

John takes the aim to James head and pulls the trigger.

John comes walking back to the truck and sees Jen comes walking towards him.

"You bastard... How could you! You killed my husband and now you want to take his place as if he was replacable..." Jen said pushing John away.

It wasn't... Listen! You and Roberto can hate me all you want, but if you wish to live get back in that truck so we can leave! You don't understand that noise is going to draw at least 50 infected to this location and unless we move now, we're going to die!" John yelled grabbing Jen's arms.

They run towards the truck.

The truck is moving and John remembers James's words very well and takes the right turn.

John is driving in silence.

No one spoke a word for miles.

They finally pass a board saying 'Down Town Queens 1 Mile' while John rolls down his window for some air.

John and the others enters the town where the first great spread happened.

Suddenly Jen grabs the gun and points it against John's head.

"Stop the truck! We're getting off here... Come Roberto I can't see how we'll be able to survive with the killer of your father...!" Jen shouts with anger.

"But Mama didn't you hear a word Papa said? We should stay with Mr. Richards, it is our only way to survive!" Roberto said.

"No! Roberto Take some things and get out, no back talking... I can take care of us, Your father saved this gun for us in case this man tried anything funny... I can no longer trust him... Let's Go!" Jen said grabbing supplies and closes the truck door.

John watches with his hands in the air as they walk away with both their hands full of supplies.

John starts the truck again and drives deeper into the town and sees a few infected up ahead.

He stops and switches off the engine.

Soon after John finds a small store to hide in and think of what to do next.

The sun starts to set and the infected slowly grow in number on the street.

Suddenly John hears movement in the storage room.

He swiftly grabs his shovel and walk towards the back.

One of the infected walks out of the storage towards John, and tries to grab a hold of him.

John quickly takes a few steps back and began bashing the head of the infected until tiny brain pieces flew in the air.

John stood there resting and suddenly he hears gun shots.

The gun fires 5 times and then silence breaks out where you only hear the echo of the last shot.

John rush to open the store's front door and run towards the direction he heard the gun being fired.

John pass a few infected on the way running across 3 main roads in town.

In the middle of the forth street John sees the police pistol on the ground and a couple of supplies laying around.

a few seconds passed and the street was filled with infected heading this location.

John was ready to run until he saw a fat man come running his way.

John starts to think 'Man... I've never seen a fat guy run this fast in my intire life!' and watch how the man runs towards him.

"Hey... Man behind that wall, I see you buddy wait up!" The fat man said running towards John.

They finally meet up and John watches how the fat man struggles to catch his breath.

"That was some running you did there... a - uh... Bill?" John said with sarcasm.

"Hey... do I know you, coz clearly you know me..." The fat man said.

"Uhm... No I don't..."John replied.

"Oh yes you do... I heard you say my name loud and clear as if you called me for years, Maybe I just forgot who you were... I'm sorry friend... the man said surely.

"Okay buddy look... You got a white shirt stained with blood and you're wearing a tag upside down that says 'Bill' I really don't think I ever met someone like you in my life..." John said confidently.

"Oh... Nice to meet you then, where you headed?" Bill asked.

"Before I answer that, allow me to ask you this...

What in God's name are you holding in your hand there?" John asked Bill staring at it.

"Oh this...? I was hiding in some adult store and grabbed the first thing I could find what happens to be a huge Dildo of course... Anyway this thing saved my life all the way from up town through here... And don't get funny ideas, I really don't enjoy swinging this thing around so get that stupid look off your face!" Bill shouts.

"I wasn't thinking anything!" John replied trying to hide his laughter.

"Anyway... I came here coz I heard the gun shots and thought of other survivors and then I saw you... Are you the only one?" Bill asked.

"I was with a woman and her son, but for some reason they left, we were heading East..." John said sighing.

"That way is a no go zone man... John right? Let me tell you something:

I just came from there... Believe me every fucker's got the munchies and to them you're a piece of dagwood... One tried to bite me like my arm was some palony sticking out from the side... Its really bad over there... We need a new plan John..." Bill said frastrated.

There's many coming this way we need to change location and hide first, its getting dark and moving at night's a really bad thing right now... We'll search for those two in the morning..." John said pointing out the way.

"Wow... You must be fucking John Wick! I'm glad I found a piece of gold like you buddy... Let's go!" Bill said.

They soon left the spot and ran back to a small store where John first took shelter.

"Before we head in let's grab a few supplies from that truck..." John said to Bill.

"How do you know there's supplies in there?" Bill asked John.

"It's a long story, let's just go!" John replied grabbing a few boxes.

They soon got into the store and locked up the front door tight.

"There are amazing places to hide out there and you choose this shady looking store...?" Bill asked feeling dissapointed.

"This place may not have doughnuts buddy but it's much safer than the other stores full of openings..." John said.

"Hey Leave doughnuts out of this!" Bill shouted.

A few hours passed and the two fell asleep.

Out in the dark a woman's voice screams out 'Help'.

John and Bill jumps up at the same time and Bill shouts "A Damzel in distress!?" and look around with tired eyes.

The woman runs from door to door being slowly followed by the infected.

She ends up at the small store in front of Bill and he opens the door for her.

"Please Mr. help my son...?!" The woman asks Bill.

"Was he bitten?" Bill asked.

"No... He just suddenly colapsed..." the woman replied.

John comes rushing out asking "is everything okay Bill?" And saw the woman and child on the ground.

"John...?! Are you going to kill my son too?" the woman shouts.

"Jen... I didn't mean... What happened to Roberto?" John rushes over and taking Roberto.

"Roberto... and kill too? What is this man, You some kind of a Killer?" Bill asks taking a few steps back.

"No Bill... Relax, I'll explain everything later... First we need to help this boy... Ah No! This is bad..."

John said with panic.

"What is it? Did he get bit?" Bill asked.

"No... He sustained a cut on his left leg and it got infected. looking at the symptoms he's experiencing blood poisoning... We have to find a drug store closeby or this boy isn't going to make it..." John said trying to think.

"I ran passed one before I got here, but it is almost 2 miles from here... It may not be close, but I think it's the closest one you're going to find... I'll go!" Bill said.

"No wait... They might need you here, And I think I'll be much faster..." John said.

"But you don't know the way, so you might get lost trying to find it... That will take even longer..." Bill replied.

"As Much as I would like to agreed with Bill's choice... I don't think anyone's going anywhere!" Jen said and pointed towards the store's front door.

John and Bill both look at the door and see the door covered with infected all over.

"Ah Shit! Not this again..." John shouts and take a few things to support the doors.

"Help me out here Bill... The numbers are growing and at this rate I fear these doors aren't going to hold..." John said holding out one hand to Bill.

They both lean against the rumble to block the thick glass doors.

Suddenly Bill sees a small crack appear on the left side of the door as the Infected grow in number outside.

"Ah Fuck We're so lunch meat!" Bill shouts sweating.

"think think think... Fucking Think John!" John yells at himself.

John looks outside the window and sees how dark it is and looks back at Jen and Roberto.

"I Made A Promise to James!" John said out loud.

"He gave me the gun to shoot him in the head... His dying wish was for his family to never see him as one of them... I aimed at his head, but I couldn't pull the trigger so he died from the infection and I shot his body in the head... I promised him that I would look after you two as my own... I fucking failed!" John said with tears in his eyes.

The crack grew bigger in the left side and a new one appeared on the right.

"Fuck You Undead Mother Fuckers!" Bill screamed as the view point showed many more infected aproaching.

This might surely be the end of the survivors.

"Wait! Jen take a look at the back and see if you can find anything else we can use to baracade..." John said.

Jen rushes to the back to find something and comes back after a few seconds.

"Find anything?" Bill asked.

"No... but I did find a stairway leading outside to the back and a few other things to help us fight...!" Jen said.

"Listen to me Bill... you're going to leave your side and run towards the boy, when you grab him I'll follow you inside we can lock the storage room it might buy is some time to prepare..." John said.

"Prepare for what?" Bill asks.

"Prepare to fight! - Jen take the supplies down stairs, we need to hurry!" John shouted.

Bill runs towards the boy and picked him up, while Jen took the bags down stairs.

John leaves the baracade and 2 seconds after the glass doors breaks,John runs into the storage room sealing it tightly.

John walked down stairs and slipped.

He looks down the ground and sees blood.

When he looked up, Jen was on the floor having brain spasms about to die.

"ah ha no... What kind of Fucking hell is this!?" John Said knocking a few things around.

"I'll take care of her... We still have time to safe the boy... You have to keep it together...!" Bill said smashing Jen head crushing half of her face.

They start to build weapons slowly and sadly.

"How long does the boy have...?" Bill swiftly asked.

"About 2 hours maybe less..." John answered calmly.

John throws Roberto over his shoulder and prepare to open the door.

Both of them is loaded with weapons build from scrap.

John opens the stair case door and as they slowly walk out John looks around and says

"I Hope You're Ready for me Fuckers, Coz Here I come!"

To Be Continued...