A Hectic Month

Wander's P.O.V.

It has been a month since the Monster Philia's incident, officially deemed an unfortunate accident by everyone.

Wander was not everyone, however, his origins were different and the ways he dealt with problems were too, and as the kind of person he was, he couldn't leave the culprits behind a crime walking freely on the streets.

Right after he recovered enough from his wounds to walk, he went on to investigate whatever was happening.

Unfortunately, he didn't find as many clues as he wanted.

This world was not advanced enough to make cameras or recognize fingerprints, because everything happened so fast and - according to the scant amount of rumors he dug through - any potential witnesses were put to sleep and either died when the monsters escaped or woke up while barely remembering the current date, there was no path for a breakthrough.

Not discovering any further leads, Wander was also afraid of digging deeper because he was aware that, whoever was involved in this, was way out of his league.

He instead chose to patrol the streets in his free time, so he could either be found resting at home, hunting in the dungeon, or walking all around the place.

He never discovered any movement coming from the 'terrorists', though, and only managed to find more trouble brewing under the city's peaceful outlook.

A crazy guy suddenly started assassinating newbie and bottom rung adventurers, it became somewhat common for the locals to hear a scream at every night, not that it helped them going back to sleep every time it happened.

Another serial killer that has come to attention is one pyromaniac that has been active for quite a while now, it just so happens that this one is getting more and more out of control, smoke can be seen coming from the Daedalus District every now and again, the source is always a pile of ashes originating from a burning corpse.

As if that were not enough, Aphrodite had apparently thought that people were getting far too stressed lately and made use of alchemy to create a calming drug that produced comforting sensations throughout the user's body, but her drug was too strong.

The euphoria produced from the finished product was such that it could make a person lose consciousness in bliss, leaving their bodies in a crazy want of another taste.

When the goddess was about to throw out her failure in sadness, one of her children asked for the recipe, saying they would like to study and perhaps fix it.

Aphrodite was happy that her child wanted to help and gave the production methods over without a second thought.

It was a mistake.

Instead of trying to fix the goddess' creation, that person had instead sold it off to the underground Household of Hedone, the goddess of pleasure.

From there the drug was mass produced and sold at a high price on the black market, which was surprisingly popular with many levels of adventurers.

Of course, things didn't stop there, for the drug's popularity quickly skyrocketed in the market, being extensively used by Households half-ignored by their gods or the like.

It was just as Aphrodite wanted, the users were all people greatly stressed by their personal lives, adventurers and rich civilians alike.

"That is sad and all but... I can't really solve social problems like these. And what's more, with those guys dead now, why do you still want to follow me?"

"... Wander really helped me back then, even though I stole from you and all, you still forgave me and let me go. I want to thank you, but... I'm afraid that if I just go back to that Household, everything will start over, and there won't be anyone to save me then. I know I'm being selfish... but I don't want to go back to that kind of lifestyle, please..."

It was that. The problem was the ending.

As an ex-detective, Wander has met with this situation many times. Although many criminals were just sick in the head and killed because they were assholes, others didn't have another option, they just didn't want to starve.

When you try, you cannot find work. When you find, the workload and abuse are so heavy that you get sick and then fired, the salary was never enough to sustain a house anyways.

How many people did he take under cuffs for stealing something or mugging someone while they begged him to free them, saying that they had families to feed and couldn't go to jail?

Prison never solved the problem, and the government also wasn't of much help either, it couldn't reach out to everyone, and when these people were released back into the world, they just felt more estranged from everything.

When it started, it only ever ended with death.

That's why you had to be cold and consider society rather than the person, it was somehow supposed to work out this way.

Wander looked at Aurora, the background of the Maiden's was completely ignored in favor of solving the current problem pertaining to guilt and crime.

"Sigh. I didn't come here to repeat it all again either..."


"Nothing. Well, Pallums are more adaptable to the dungeon, their eyes can see better in the dark and they somehow have an easier time trekking the place. My Household just so happens be lacking people, this is the only thing I can help you with."

"Yes! This is all I need! I won't let you down, I promise!"

Yes, this was fine. This city was openly illegal in the first place and no one gave a damn about it, so what's the problem in poaching a useful, willing worker for his homely Household?

He just had to hope that her past needs did not become habits yet.


"With this done, we just need to get back to Hestia and ask for a rewrite of your 'contract'. Let's not lose time, yes?"

"Uhu-" *BOOM*

Aurora was about to nod and hum in agreement when out of nowhere, the ground started vibrating just before an explosion could be heard in the distance, a chill crawled up her spine, stiffening her body for an instant before she threw herself at Wander, bringing them both to the ground just before a gigantic piece of concrete broke through the wall and breezed past them both.

Wander looked through the new 'window' in the pub, the shower of debris still pelting a good part of the city. The biggest of stones were already deeply embedded on the streets and houses, many on top of innocents.

A mere district away, a giant hole opened due to an explosion of magical energies, the foreign magical circles were somewhat visible even after the cast, a tale of the level of power used to originate such calamity.

Seeing the numerous inhuman figures desperately crawling out of that 'exit' Wander suddenly felt like all of his earlier worries were in vain. What capricious terrorist, what crazy psychos and naive drug makers? How could the little trouble they amount to compare to an event that would end an Era along with a city?

Wander's thoughts received an answer he didn't need.

From the crater leading deep into the dungeon, a black mass jumped out, landing on top of the debris and many runaway monsters, its lean body and flexible posture was reminiscent of a tiger, but its dark scales and wings betrayed the monster's true origins, it was a dragon.

The adventurers came fast to face the powerful threat, an army against a behemoth, that is what it should have been.

Then why is it that a Rando suddenly appeared to protect the beast that will no doubt cause destruction and death to humanity? The guy didn't even look like a villain!

"The fuck? No, no... we gotta leave. Aurora?"

As the man in the distance summoned countless beams of white starlight through some undecipherable magic and forced all humans to face him before they could reach the dragon, Wander was more worried about getting out of the immediate location while bring an unconscious Aurora to safety.

"Such a hectic month, dammit!"

*Vshh* *KABOOM*

The poor adventurer was not spared any respite though, another explosion - this one caused by rampaging fire element - came from within the kitchen of the Maiden's, setting the closest, weaker customers on fire, Wander and Aurora included.

He rolled on the ground with his newfound companion and managed to arrive at the 'window' on the wall with only a few scorch marks on his person, Aurora was luckier to escape scotfree.

*Vshhhh* *Crackle* *VOOOOSH*

The fire came back even angrier, it was like a dam broke and instead of water, it let out an ocean of fire.

Thankfully, a magic barrier suddenly appeared and contained the flame inside of the kitchen, saving the survivors from sure death and giving them a chance to escape.

Wander did not delay, with the Pallum Aurora on his back, he jumped out of the wrecked Maiden's and ran towards the gate before stopping to think for a second, he then headed towards the closest staircase leading to the gigantic walls.

He hoped he was wrong, but there was no time or evidence to warn panicking citizens running helter-skelter.


Loki's P.O.V.

Loki is a humble man.

The only way for him to repay a favor is a raised brow and a dagger in the back.

Loki is a kind man.

He can't bear to see the citizens of the city he lives in fall into Uranus' tyranny without knowing, so he has been wrecking the guy's plan of 'Dungeon Conquest' since the last century or so. Whether he has been identified as the culprit or not yet, he doesn't care, he would deal with things as they come.

How he did this for so long, you ask?

It's a fairly simple thing to throw a figurative wrench in that old man's plans, really. Just last month, he took the opportunity of when Athena was throwing another one of her single dog jealous tantrums to meanwhile set the circus on fire and prepare another surprise for the tyrant.

Truthfully speaking, he didn't expect for the place to be loaded in chemicals.

In his original plan, when Uranos spreads his quasi-domain towards the Dungeon's core, some little trinkets he prepared would activate and cause a giant monster wave in the dungeon, killing a lot of adventurers this way.

How could he know that it was possible to use this moment to blow a hole in the Dungeon's ceiling and allow for every monster to flow out? Heck, it even affected the forest outside!

"Bwahahahaha! I knew that guy was good news! Haha! Hehe... huh. Now, where's that brat again?"

Loki decided against barging into that girl's room, this little child of his was way too lose in his opinion. He initially allowed her to be part of his Household because she was a master at starting trouble, but now she just stays 'occupied' in her room all day.

The god decided to make that child of his come herself, for that, he went towards her personal storage and picked her favorite weapon, a spear. The thing was supposed to be the masterpiece of a now-famous smith, the guy happened to meet with her during the start of his career, the humans seem to give it a pretty good evaluation but he cannot convince himself of its apparent quality.

Anyways, now equipped with the spear of that rascal, Loki proceeds towards the closest trash bin with a happy smile.

"Goodbye forever, you ugly thing."


The god held the weapon atop of the trash disposer and ignored the poor thing's whimpers, he never liked spears, this won't change just because that girl managed to create a spirit while wielding the weapon.

A pity that his wishes would not come true, that brat was too much of a monster to allow her precious companion to vanish unnoticed.


"Drop Toothpick this instant!"

Kicking the door open with an angry bellow, was a woman of breathtaking appearance comparable to the goddesses of beauty, the lack of any clothing other than a man's shirt that only went past her waist only served to enhance her enchanting nature.

Of course, this sight brought not a single ounce of lust to the leader of the Household, who only stared at the man getting dragged all around the place by holding tightly onto one of her legs, the guy was topless and seemed to have put his pants up in a hurry before ashaming himself.

But enough of that! There are more important things to care about!

"Beatrice, you came just in time! There's something interesting going on out there and I need you as an extra juice to the fire!"

Loki threw the spear aside and gestured wildly for his strongest child to move. Meanwhile, the poor weapon flew out of the window and fell for more than a hundred meters before skewering the ground. The god just knew at that instant, that living in the tower was one of the best decisions he ever made.

The brat didn't seem to follow him on his enthusiasm, however.

"Ah? I can go in a quickie, just let me and Bjorn finish first."

"You shall go right this instant, or else I'm calling that pup of yours to help you two out!"

"Leave Fenrir alone, will you? I forgot to get his food."

"That beansprout is not Fenrir! My Fenrir is a good boy that cares for his father, not some lazy pillow that eats ducks!"

"Yeah? So if that's all, can I go back now?"

"... I'm inviting Ares' Brenna later."

"I'm going to get changed. Sorry, Bjorn, go back to the others, okay?"

"... Honey, can you give my shirt back?"

"Oh, sure."

"Go get nude in your room, this is my study!"