Damn Retards

Caleb's P.O.V.

Caleb was pissed.

His party, from Ares' Household, was sent on dumb chores throughout the month.

Up and down The Dungeon they went, all because something kept freaking Anna out all the time.

The team itself had no idea of what they should be searching for since the Royal Elf's senses seemed to scream that shit's goddamn everywhere.

They warned the Guild about this, but since no one knew what was happening, nothing proper could be done.

This meant that the work was passed back onto them, along with some other unfortunate strong teams.

The thing is, because Anna's words were to be trusted, every level five and above was asked to investigate as deep as they could. In turn, those of level 5 and above would call upon their teams to make things easier, meaning the strongest forces went underground for a rather long expedition.

And now that shit hit the fan they were stuck under an ocean of monsters.

"These sacks of crap..."

Caleb sent a kick whipping at a cyclops' shoulder, the strike bringing a wet crunch from the beast's body and sending piles of fat flesh flying.

The seven meters tall monster died with a single blow.

Caleb, however, had to twist his body in mid-air to evade the blades of a praying mantis as tall and agile as himself.

The damn thing had been harassing him for half an hour now, weaving in between bulkier and dumber monsters while waiting for the chance to cut him down, Caleb's gauntlets didn't have the reach to threaten the monster so he was helpless.

As for his teammates, they were in just as bad a spot as he.

The two strongest members, Anna and Leroy, were blocking a ten meter tall youngling Hydra, which kept regenerating endlessly while spitting every manner of magic from its four heads.

The beast was a boss from the sixty fifth floor, and could be soloed by any of the two had there been more time and no interruption. As things stood, however, the situation was not in their favor.

After reaching the ground, Caleb caught sight of a group of over 30 greatsword-wielding minotaurs heading towards him, he scowled.

"Bia! Switch!" He shouted as he turned his back and ran towards towards the Amazons, his wolf ears twitched as they traced the movements of that crappy insect.

Bia and Bianca were fighting a Luger, a four meters tall and seven meters long tiger, the thing was a prowling menace that appeared every now and again after reaching floor fifty, it was a dangerous beast for Caleb to fight alone, but there were less chances of him getting injured against that monster than the weaponized option.

The Wolf-kin used gauntlets and boots for weapons, and those left him at a disadvantage against longer reaching foes, anything that used weapons, to be more specific.

And so, after closing in on his teammates, Caleb immediately sent a flying kick at the oversized feline, the surprise attack hitting true and sending it tumbling towards the stone wall.

Barely bruised, the beast jumped back on it's feet and roared, the luminescent lines tracing its dark body flared up before flashes of lightning arced towards Caleb.

Already prepared for the onslaught, the adventurer took a stance, his legs spread and his feet sank, the right palm stretched and the left fist clenched.

"Wind of Mer!" He growled with a sneer, and made the wind follow his flow.

He first raised his palm towards the ceiling, and then swiped his elbow backwards to allow a straight left punch to hit the air in front of him, just in time for the lightning.


Faster than he could blink, the wire of energy was in front of him, then it bounced back and turned, passing beside him to hit the raised scythe of an elated mantis.

Caleb barked a single laugh before blowing the paralyzed insect's head off with a roundhouse kick, the damn backstabber was utterly helpless to do anything to save itself.

"Damn retards."

For the first time in a long while he smiled, though his face was still full of savage anger, and his entire being screamed literal bloody murder.

He then threw himself at the Luger, idly noting to himself that he didn't even bother to pay attention to the Amazons, though he knew they were bickering about stupid things while heading for the mob of cow-men monsters.

Retards don't have priorities, after all.

Caleb closed the distance in an instant, his body literally thrown forward by wind that shouldn't be there.

Right in front of the feline, his toes lightly pushed the ground as he flickered above a claw swipe, his fist then punched the monster's snout, forcefully closing its gaping maw.

In response, the Luger released more lightning, but Caleb barely felt an itch even as his skin burned under the punishment.

He then proceeded to pummel the thing to oblivion, dropping all his stress and frustration like a hammer towards it before it could disappear and drop a monster core.

He was slightly huffing at the end of it, tough that was more of an act than actual exhaustion.

Done with his piece, he turned to look around him, Bia and Bianca had just finished with the minotaurs, Pavel was snoring at a corner of the giant room, and the others were all throwing long ranged attacks at the dying Hydra.

Caleb frowned as his gaze stopped at the biggest retard in the party, Brenna.

The woman was stretching as if preparing to exercise, though Caleb still remember seeing her running here and there around the room killing any monster unlucky enough to cross her path.

In an instant, he noticed that her own gaze was focused somewhere else, he followed it only to be met with the collapsed entrance of the room.

His frown deepened.


The dwarf, completely familiar with the Wolf-kin's tone, immediately turned to look at Brenna, and then at the entrance. Finally, he grinned.

"Take care of the rest!" His gruff voice ordered, and he lowered his stance.

"Here we go..." Brenna's soft murmur reached Caleb's ears as she stopped warming up.

The retard then started to jog, effortlessly carrying a warhammer over her shoulders. She then sped up into a run, before releasing a battle cry as mana surged around her body.


The wannabe hero seemed to turn into a comet as she neared the dungeon rubble, then she hefted her weapon and jumped at the wall.

*CLANG!* *BANG!* Hammer met stone and turned it into dust, Brenna herself dashed out towards the surface.

Normally, the girl would have to go back through the stairs, which would've taken a day and make her efforts effectively useless. Now though, there was a gaping hole just a corridor ahead that would reduce the trip to mere minutes, provided the legion of monsters scaling it up don't get in her way.

Clearing the path to the tunnel, however, opened yet another path for monsters to enter.

That's where Leroy comes in.

"Okay, time's up!" The dwarf took a deep breath, a red aura overflowed from the inside of his plate armor to cover his whole being.

Leroy seemed to grow a few centimeters taller, his grin barely hiding under his thick beard. Then he shouted.

"LEEEROY. JENKINS!" Even faster than Brenna, he disappeared in a red line. A moment after he entered the tunnel, wails of monsters reached Caleb's ears.

"Good riddance." He scoffed, before remembering that this didn't mean this shit show was over, there was an infinitude of monsters climbing that damn hole and heading for the surface, and the rest of the team had to hold them off.

As bad as it sounded, there was little choice. The more grouped up the monsters were, the easier things would be.


Caleb turned to the sound of the Hydra dying, he could see Anna looking at him. For the upteenth time, he scowled.

"Leroy's not heading up." He could hear her say. "Make sure Brenna won't kill herself."

"Arrgh..." He sighed. "Damn retards..."