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Awakening 2

Mizo city

" Ugh!!" A young boy can be seen clutching his head and rolling in the floor inside his room. The boy was 17 yrs old, had jet black hair and eyes. He had a lean body standing at 5'8 fet.

" Aaaaaa! Damit?!!" Roared Benjamin in pain.

One can see veins all over his body. His body was trembling and twisting in pain, his skins cracked down and blood flowed out endlessly but strangely enough as his blood flowed out new blood was constantly being made in his bone marrow and his body was getting stronger with each blood cycle. 3 hours later which felt like eternity to Benjamin, the process finally stopped. He was dreanced in sweat but one could see determination in his eyes.

" F***king hell!! This damn thing is finally over .. Aa. This power ..it feels ...so ...good "

" With this I can finally....." Benjamin clenched his hands looking at the night sky.

His gaze seemed to pierce through the dark sky .....


veta city

* Slash* * Rip*

The door was perfectly spilt in two pieces.

" Hsssss. Such power! This sword is a little too sharp " muttered a girl in rough breadth

" OMG!! Jiri this is awesome!!!.. what other things can u do ???" Asked another girl in green top and black jeans.

The girl with a sword in hand( Jiri violetbloom ) and an armour was looking at the sword in her hands and the door that lay on the floor broken. When she first discovered her power she was really shocked and scared but calmed down after using it a few times. Although her friends thought that she can create things with her power but she knew it wasn't that simple. After trying out a few times she came to understand that she can only create dress or armour or battlesuit and even then it has a few restrictions ( re:equip magic, fairy tail)

" This power is great. But can I control it ???" Thought Jiri, unsure of herself.....


Koto city

Jin was seated on the floor meditating and searching for his powers within him. But after many tries he still couldn't find it still he wasn't giving up anytime soon. According to Mr Shogun's research those who woke up had the qualification to awaken their power so he knew that he has powers and that he only needs to find it.

After 2 hrs of meditation he finally felt something.*WOOSH* information was being transmitted to his brain. At first it was ok but after a few minutes came a soul tearing pain from his brain like his brain was burning in the hottest flames and being punctured by millions of needles.

He was sweating furiously and his body trembling. Finally after few minutes a low sound came from his mouth " Genetic... manipulation...hah..hah.."

He immediately fainted after that ....


Author's not-:

[ Mizo city is situated on the eastern part of NE country.

Veta city is situated on the southern part of NE country.]

{ Benjamin Deathbringer and Jiri violetbloom are very important in this novel and would be further introduce properly on future chapters}