Going to China (4)

The plane Gun-Ho was on landed at Hongqiao International Airport in Shanghai, China.

Gun-Ho became busy looking at the surroundings such as buildings and business signs once he got off the plain.

"Is this your first time in China?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, it's my first time."

"This airport is an old airport like Gimpo International Airport in our country. There is a new airport in Pudong, just like Incheon International Airport in Korea. That's why a flight leaving Incheon lands in Pudong, and a flight leaving Gimpo lands in Hongquio."

"Oh, I see."

"Since this airport has been here for a long time, you can find Korean restaurants and Korean consulate in this area. The branch offices of many Korean banks such as Industrial Bank of Korea and Kookmin Bank for Shanghai are all located here as well."

Mr. Byeon showed Gun-Ho the Korean consulate and the Korean bank branch offices.