Acquiring a Korean Restaurant in China (2)

Today, Gun-Ho was leaving for China.

"I guess I've done what I had to do before leaving Korea. Let's go to China and dream big."

Gun-Ho made a call to Jong-Suk before he turned on international data roaming on his cell phone.

"Jong-Suk? I guess I won't be able to see you for a while."

"Don't worry about it. Once you get settled in China, I will come and visit you there during my vacation."

"If you happen to see Chairman Lee at the fishing site, tell him that I am in China."

"I know we have talked with him several times, but I don't think a rich man like him wouldn't be interested in people like us. But, well, yeah I will let him know."

Gun-Ho went through the phone numbers stored in his cell phone while sitting in the waiting area of the airport.