Alibaba President Marwin’s Condo (2)

Mae-Hyang seemed to know a lot about the driver's license exam system in China.

"How can I take a driver's license exam here? I don't know the Chinese language."

"You can bring an interpreter with you when you take the exam. I've done it before when I worked in my previous company."


"But renting a car is pricey."

"How much is it?"

"The price varies depending on the types of car you rent, but you can say it would be over 3,000 Yuan."

"Hmm… If I add the rental car payment to the apartment rent, that would be too much for me to pay every month."

"Why don't you commute by bus for now and think about renting a car later once you see how the restaurant business goes. President Byeon commuted by bike and he didn't drive a car. But, the Hobanhwawon apartment is too far and expensive. Do you really want to live there?"

"I'm not sure, but I want to receive Marwin's energy from there since he used to live in that apartment."

"Haha. Suit yourself then."