Hit a Jackpot with Four Major Rivers Project (2) – PART 2

Gun-Ho decided to take a short trip to Tokyo, Japan for three nights and four days.

"I've never been in Japan. Let's visit Tokyo and see how Japanese people make their life and also get some idea about my next business item."

Gun-Ho stopped by a travel agency. The agency recommended him a trip package that included a Tokyo city tour and a visit to a small city, Nikko which was famous for hot springs.

"Okay, I will take it."

Gun-Ho wanted to forget about things going on in his head and reserved a flight ticket to Japan right away.

Gun-Ho was still anxious while he was in Japan.

He couldn't pay attention to the tour guide, but all he could think of was his stock price.

He followed his tour group to Meiji Jingu Gaien in Shibuya, where his hotel was located. He still couldn't enjoy the tour; he was still thinking about his stocks.

"I invested 1.1 billion won. Am I going to succeed or fail in this investment?"