Moving to Gangnam (2) – PART 1

The branch manager of the stock brokerage firm in Suwon City gave his business card to Gun-Ho.

"I don't have my business card with me."

"That's fine, sir. I wanted to meet with you. We take care of our VIP clients separately."

Gun-Ho firmly said,

"I will have to withdraw my funds next month because of my business."

"All of the funds?"

The branch manager's face hardened.

"I'm moving from Incheon to Seoul soon, so I have to move my account to the branch over there anyway."

"Why don't you leave some of your funds with us? We provide a text message service to our VIP clients with useful stock-related information. It's not a spam message but it's information from a reliable source."

"I will take it into account."

Gun-Ho couldn't harshly decline the branch manager's kind offer, so he just told him that he would consider it. While he was walking out of the stockbroking firm, Gun-Ho thought of his past experience with the same firm.