Starting a Company (2) – PART 2

Gun-Ho verified his available cash.

"I have 16.4 billion won left. I started from 19.8 billion won that I made from the stocks related to the Four Major Rivers Project. I purchased two condos and an automobile, formed a company, and acquired three OneRoomTels. They cost me about 3.4 billion won."

As soon as Gun-Ho found out that the branch manager of the stockbroking company in Suwon moved to another branch, he moved his stock account to the branch in Gangnam. He put 6.4 billion won in his personal bank account and left the remaining 10 billion won in his stock account.

Even in Gangnam District where there were many rich people residing in, the cash amount of 10 billion seemed to be significant. When Gun-Ho visited the Gangnam branch office of the stockbroking firm in order to move his account there, the branch manager of Gangnam office ran to Gun-Ho and took him to his office.

The staff in that branch was whispering.