Flavors of Life (1) – PART 1

Korean Thanksgiving Day came around.

Gun-Ho went to his parents' home in Guweol Town, Incheon to have a memorial service for ancestors. When he entered the condo, he could smell his mother's cooking prepared for the memorial service.

"Gun-Ho, you came. The table is already set for the memorial service."

Gun-Ho looked at his mother and father. They looked good. Their skin complexion looked bright and neat, and also they seem to gain some weight, maybe because they had been doing well in a better environment in this new condo. They were wearing nice new clothes as well.

"What do you think about my outfit? Your sister bought this for me."

Gun-Ho's sister, her husband and Jeong-Ah ran out of their room.

"My uncle is here!"

Jeong-Ah was wearing a colorful Korean traditional dress. She looked like a fairy.

"My princess, you are getting prettier every time I see you."