Conversation with a Wise Man (2) – PART 1

Manager Gweon and Jong-Suk didn't understand why Manager Gweon shouldn't sell his Asiana stock. They were just looking at Chairman Lee and Gun-Ho one after the other.

"President Goo, why don't you explain to them? You seemed to know the reason."

Manager Gweon and Jong-Suk looked at Gun-Ho.

"Okay, this is what I think. When two brothers are fighting over a company, each of them would try to gather the company's shares as many as he could so he could gain more power. More shares he retains, more power he could gain in controlling the company. If that happens, that company's stock would be in high demand, and the price will increase."


Manager Gweon nodded his head while Jong-Suk had a puzzled look on his face.

Once Manager Gweon digested Gun-Ho's explanation, he asked Chairman Lee.