Presentation to Attract Companies into the Industrial Park – PART 2

Gun-Ho, Attorney Kim, and Amiel started drinking at the restaurant & bar—Pine in Hannam Town. Their room door was opened and three beautiful young ladies in their 20s entered the room. They were wearing a traditional Korean dress.

"Oh, wonderful!"

"This guy looks so happy to see the young ladies."

"Who wouldn't?"

Another young lady entered the room. She was carrying a Geomungo*. She was the same girl who had joined Gun-Ho's party when he had come to the bar with Chairman Lee. She seemed to recognize Gun-Ho as well; she nodded her head to Gun-Ho.

Richard Amiel from Lymondell Dyeon craned his neck to get a better view of the girl with a musical instrument.

She started playing music; it was beautiful.

Gun-Ho couldn't tell which music she was playing, but it was touching his heart. It sounded sad and also fantastical.

Amiel was listening to the music with his eyes closed. Knowing Amiel couldn't see what Gun-Ho was doing, Gun-Ho looked at Amiel's business card again closely.