Requital (1) – PART 1

Gun-Ho made a call to the general affairs manager—Seon-Hong Hwang whom he used to work with when he was in Asan City.

"Director Hwang? It's me, Gun-Ho Goo."

"Oh, Gun-Ho! How have you been? By the way, I am not a director; I am a manager."

"You are still a manager? I guess the company doesn't recognize your hard work. You have been working so hard for the company for a long time."

"The company cannot afford to promote anybody because of its financial situation."

"You are getting paid on time, right?"

"I haven't received the last month's salary yet. However, fortunately, our company quickly let some workers go to handle the situation, but Mulpasaneop is in trouble."

"Is it that serious?"

"Mulpasaneop hasn't paid to its employees for the past three months, and some employees already filed a lawsuit for unpaid wages against the company."

"Wow. It is serious."

"You seem to be doing very well, Mr. Gun-Ho Goo. Do you happen to have any position I can take?"