Dreaming about Having a Manufacturing Company (1) – PART 2

In a luxurious restaurant in China, round tables are usually placed in the restaurant, and the head of this round table is the seat that is facing the entrance door.

"This is your seat, Gun-Ho. You sit here."

Seukang Li pressed Gun-Ho's shoulder down to the seat, and Gun-Ho was lightly forced to sit at the head of the table again.

"You must be thirsty, Seukang Li after hastily running to the restaurant to join us; drink this liquor. Mr. Chauffeur, have this coke; it will ease your thirst."

The chauffeur laughed while sitting at the lowest seat; he was still wearing his black sunglasses just like the last time Gun-Ho saw him. Seukang Li continued to talk while drinking a cup of tea instead of liquor.

"How was the board meeting? Did you get the report?"

"Yes, it was very good. I am satisfied."

"That's good. As a matter of fact, it cost us a lot to complete the 3-Flow work in the beginning. "