Dreaming about Having a Manufacturing Company (3) – PART 2

All of Gun-Ho's attention was being paid to the Kumho Chemical stock right now. Its price hiked three times up, and it made Gun-Ho's currently retaining stock value over 90 billion won.

Gun-Ho was holding on to the stock without selling it just yet. He decided to keep it for now because he didn't hear anything about the reconciliation of the two brothers of Kumho family.

"I am certain this stock's price will go up higher. I just have to suppress my urge to sell it!"

Gun-Ho wanted to tie his hands somewhere so he wouldn't be able to sell the stock. He didn't even open the stock trading website on his computer for some time now.

He eagerly wanted to acquire Mulpasaneop. The price of the acquisition was not a problem for Gun-Ho. The real problem would come along after he purchased the company. He would have to take over all debt that the company had, and he was not sure if he could handle it.