Geisha Mori Aikko (2) – PART 2

At Suk-Ho's bar, the friends from Gun-Ho's high school continued to drink and eat food. Dishes were prepared and a box of soju was placed; however, those seemed to be not enough. The bar was filled with clamor.

"Hey, you, Suk-Ho, f*cker! Why don't you drink? You don't drink because you own this place?"

"You drink, you f*cker!"

"Hey, Byung-Chul Hwang! Why are you being so arrogant? Is it your tie that makes your neck stiff? Remember when I went to your research center to see you? You hurt my feelings when you said you couldn't come out and meet me just because you were in a meeting or something. Take this drink; it is the penalty you have to pay for treating your friend that way."

"Hey, you are wasting soju. Don't over pour it."

"You, f*cker. Sh*t up and just eat this!"