Company in Rehabilitation (1) – PART 2

It was around evening time when Gun-Ho received a text message from Attorney Young-Jin Kim.

"The office manager's name is Se-Gil Lee, and his phone number is 010-2485-0000."

Gun-Ho made a call to the number right away.

"Office Manager Se-Gil Lee? I am referred to you by Kim&Jeong law firm. I'd like to have a consultation about the court receivership."

"Are you planning to apply for the court receivership for your company?"

"No, it's about a company that already started their court receivership process. I just like to know about the system."

"Do you have their case number?"

Gun-Ho gave the office manager the case number that he received from the accountant's office.

"Give me a moment."

It took less than a minute before the office manager got back to Gun-Ho, and he said,

"It doesn't look good. It's about Mulpasaneop, right? The company has more than 300 creditors. The company incurs a lot of expenses as well after the court receivership started."