Preparation for M&A (2) – PART 2

There were four more workers in the accounting department in addition to the accounting manager, but they couldn't handle the work that the accounting manager was doing. They were not knowledgeable or experienced enough in the field to handle the work. The accounting manager was a smart woman who was good with numbers. Whenever she was asked a question about her work by the president or the court officer, she answered as if she was a computer.

Gun-Ho asked the accounting manager one more question.

"The total amount of claims that are reported to the court is 70 billion won, right?"

"Yes, it is 71,247,200,000 to be exact. The amount claimed for public interest among them is 12,264,000,000 won."

"The claims for public interest are something like tax?"

"Yes, it includes tax, unpaid Four Major Public Insurance, unpaid wages, etc."

"It is indeed a substantial amount of money."

"That's right. That's why we had suffered a lot by the creditors before the court receivership started."