Business Acquisition (4) – PART 2

After the inauguration ceremony ended, Gun-Ho visited all of the Mulpasaneop's vendors accompanied by the sales director. There were not many vendors though; there were about ten of them. Four of the vendors were big companies, and Gun-Ho couldn't directly meet with their presidents; he instead, met with someone in charge.

The president of one of the Mulpasaneop's customers was President Se-Young Oh's friend. Even though that company was a big company, the president wanted to meet with Gun-Ho; it was very unusual. Usually, the president of a big company didn't directly meet with its vendors or customers' president if they were not from a big company.

"I've heard a lot about you from President Se-Young Oh. He highly spoke about you, so I wanted to see you in person."

"Thank you, sir. I am new in this field, and I don't know much about the business yet."