Business Expansion (3) – PART 2

When most of the vendor companies' presidents arrived at the meeting, President Young-Sik Park went back to his seat among them as the president of one of the GH Mobile's vendors.

All of 15 vendor companies' presidents attended the meeting that GH Mobile hosted.

Gun-Ho looked at every single face of theirs.

"All of them have a type of face that attracts money. They all have a company with about 50 employees and their sales revenue is in the range between 7 and 8 billion won."

Five years ago when he worked at a factory as a factory worker, Gun-Ho couldn't even get close to these people.

The meeting started with the internal auditor's report on the process from the acquisition of Mulpasaneop and the current state of GH Mobile after the company changed its name to GH Mobile. Gun-Ho then continued the meeting with his introduction speech.