Mama-san Segawa Joonkko (1) – PART 2

"Gayageum? I love to hear that again. I truly enjoy Asian melody. Hahaha. Since you are here, President Goo, we should go listening to Shamisen."

"I actually want to see the dancing geisha."

"Oh, that geisha who looked like a fairy."

"I'll treat you guys this time since I'm here for business."

"Haha. Sounds good then."

Gun-Ho came back to the hotel to take a short rest before his evening schedule started. He would meet Amiel again in the evening at 7 pm. They would go to the bar that they went to the last time Gun-Ho visited Japan. The interpreter followed Gun-Ho to New Otani Hotel where Gun-Ho was staying.

Gun-Ho asked for the interpreter.

"How long have you been living in Japan?"

"I've been here for about 7 years."

"Are you a graduate student?"

"No, I am a college student."

"You have been here for 7 years, but you are still in college?"

"Yes. I often took the time off from college to work part-time."

"Hmm. I see."