State-of-the-Art Factory Construction (2) – PART 1

Gun-Ho received a fax from Dyeon Japan.

It was about the Japanese engineer who Amiel was recommending, and also about his consultation price.

"Mr. Sakata Ikuzo is a Japanese engineer who had worked for Lymondell Dyeon in Seattle, USA for thirty years. He is one of the best experts in the urethane-related compound field in the world."

Gun-Ho leaned back in his chair in his office and read the fax that was sent by Dyeon Japan.

"He must be very good at his work with his extensive 30 years of work experience in this field. However, it's sort of expensive to invite him for consultation."

Gun-Ho read the fax further about the consultation fee.

"He will provide the consultation service for one month at 5,000 dollars. You will have to bear the travel expenses for him as well, such as the hotel, a flight ticket, food, rental car, etc."

There was one more requirement.