State-of-the-Art Factory Construction (3) – PART 1

Gun-Ho was having a beer with Jae-Sik at the security office in his company. It was all dark outside.

"You used to be very active in the literature club when we were in high school, and if I remember correctly, you also participated in making our school newspapers."

"Yeah, I did. After graduating from high school, I went to college in Seoul and majored in creative writing. It was not one of the top universities, but I had a good life at that time because I could do what I enjoy doing."

"That's right. I think I heard that you studied creative writing."

"I even won the annual spring literature contest after graduating from college, which was held by a newspaper company in a province. At that time I felt like I could rule the world. I wanted to get a job in a newspaper company, but I found a job at a publishing company instead."

"So you got a job where you can use what you learned in college and that was also what you liked to do with your life."