Establishing GH Media (3) – PART 2

Gun-Ho thought that if the company would actually receive the first order of the new product of 50,000 units, the 20,000 dollars incentive to be paid for Mr. Sakata Ikuzo would be worth it. "Oh, I'm wondering how Mr. Sakata Ikuzo is doing now. I think I need some exercise too. I'd better do some walking. I stayed in the office for too long. Let's walk to the production field and see how he is doing."

Gun-Ho went to the research lab where Mr. Sakata Ikuzo had been working at. Mr. Sakata Ikuzo was doing some experiments. The interpreter was dozing off while sitting behind him; his head was tilted to one side. When Gun-Ho entered the research lab, the interpreter quickly stood up.

"I thought we were done with developing the new product? What are you doing?"

"I was experimenting with TPU."

"What is TPU?"

"TPU is thermoplastic polyurethane. It's a major raw material of the new product."

"What are you working on? We already have our new product completed."