New Product (2) – PART 1

The Japanese engineer—Mr. Sakata Ikuzo—trained the skilled workers at YS Tech for the next two days in attaching the aluminum ring to the new product. Mr. Sakata Ikuzo initially planned to train them for three days, but two days was enough for the workers to be familiarized with the task; it was a simple task after all.

Subsequently, YS Tech sent 50,000 pieces of aluminum rings that were ready to be attached, to GH Mobile. Gun-Ho then went to see President Young-Sik Park of YS Tech.

"President Park, according to your estimated product cost of the rings, the cost per unit is 640 won. We will have to adjust the price. I am personally close to you like a brother, but business is business, right?"

"Haha. Don't be too harsh on it. We need to make our livings too."

"I reviewed the product cost that you sent to us. The labor cost and manufacturing expenses were estimated way too high."