New Product (3) – PART 1

Gun-Ho received a call from Professor Jien Wang.

"President Goo? Are you publishing my book in Korea?"

"Yes, I am working on it."

"I received a call from a young man who speaks fluent Chinese. He said once I approve publishing my book, he will work on translating my book into the Korean language."

"That's good."

"I was told that there is a president who is running the publishing company, but the actual owner is you— President Goo. Is it true?"

"Think about it, Professor Wang. What was the name of that publishing company?"

"GH Media? Oh, that's right! It's your company. GH is your name initials."

"So, did you approve publishing your book in Korea?"

"Of course I did. As soon as I heard that they will give me 7% royalty plus 3,000 dollars in advance, I approve it right away. I need money. Moreover, I am honored to have my book published in Korea. Thank you."

"Don't mention it. I thank you, Professor Wang, for allowing us to publish your book."

"I have one concern though."