Moving to the New Location (2) – PART 1

Gun-Ho's sister wanted to introduce a girl to Gun-Ho so he could possibly marry her. She was an elementary school teacher, where his sister's daughter— Jeong-Ah was attending. Gun-Ho's sister insisted on him meeting her.

Gun-Ho's sister obtained a level-1 certificate of a social worker after finishing the level-2 certificate. Her husband was doing a transportation work with his own truck, and he was making at least 5 million won per month. Gun-Ho's sister was having a good life; she was driving Hyundai Sonata and she was actively participating in a school parent association at the elementary school which Jeong-Ah was going to. Jeong-Ah was a popular kid at her school; she was in a good class rank and she had a pretty face.

"Jeong-Ah is nominated for a class president. People think her family is affluent since she is living in a 50 pyung large condo. She is so popular at her school."