Moving to the New Location (3) – PART 1

Gun-Ho was driving on a highway; he was heading home after the meeting with the elementary school teacher, which was set up by his sister. He was feeling depressed after meeting with the lady. Gun-Ho was passing by Seohae Bridge when he received a call from his sister.

"How was it? Did you like her? She is a bit short, but she seems to be really smart."

"I don't think she is a good match for me."

"Why not? I really like her."

"Just know that I am not attracted to her. I am hanging up the phone now."

Gun-Ho hung up the phone when his sister was about to say something.

Gun-Ho received a call from his mother a few minutes later.

"How did the meeting go? Your sister told me the girl looked smart."

"Yes, mom. She looked smart, but I don't think I would meet with her again."

"Don't be too picky, son. There is no perfect girl. People say the first girl you meet with is the best girl for you."

"No, mom. I won't meet with her again."