RiverStar Building in Gangnam (3) – PART 1

Gun-Ho received an email from Jae-Sik Moon who was working at GH Media as a chief editor. He sent to Gun-Ho the translated manuscript of Professor Jien Wang's book— Economy Trend in China for the 21st Century. It was the final version with all necessary editing work and ready to be published. The book became even thicker after being translated into Korean and it was 400 pages.

Jae-Sik Moon changed the book title from 'Economy Trend in China for the 21st Century' to 'Economy Prospect in China for the 21st Century.' He modified some parts of the translated version to make it smoother while giving more flavor to it.

"Is this really done by Jae-Sik? Wow. I knew he was good, but I didn't know he was this good."

Gun-Ho started reading the translated manuscript of Jien Wang's book. He thought he should read it before giving Jae-Sik any comment or response. However, it was too much.

"Whew. It will take forever to finish this book. It hurts my eyes too."