Lymondell Dyeon’s Visit (2) – PART 2

Mr. Brandon Burke had other personnel to take an English version pamphlet about Pyeongtaek Port International Passenger Terminal, and take several pictures of the port himself.

Gun-Ho continued to talk to Mr. Brandon Burke.

"I understand that you have found several issues during the investigation of our factory; however, those issues can easily be corrected and we will correct them gradually. But it's not easy to find a factory that is located 20 minutes from an international port like this. If we start a joint venture together in this location, both of Lymondell Dyeon and GH Mobile will achieve what they want. It will be a win-win situation for both companies."

"You said you have the appraisal report on the land, right?"

"Yes, it was appraised by Korea Appraisal Board. I will give you a translated version of the appraisal report. In addition, I will give you the pictures and floor plan of the storage in Suzhou Industrial Park in China."