Hiring New Workers for GH Development (1) – PART 1

The Seongil Polymer's president started agonizing.

"It is certainly nice to be able to sell more products to Egnopak. We are now selling 400 million won worth of products to Egnopak rather than 300 million won. But I will lose another major customer—GH Mobile for this."

The president of Seongil Polymer went to see the Egnopak's president.

"I filed a lawsuit against GH Mobile as you asked. You will have to order an additional 100 million won worth of products from us as you promised."

"Okay, I will do that. But I will do that when you receive the payment order from the court."

"I will lose one of our major customers—GH Mobile because I am helping you, sir."

"Don't worry about it. The amount of the products you are selling to GH Mobile is only 100 million won, right? Our company will cover it for you."

"The problem is that President Gun-Ho Goo from GH Mobile is spreading a bad rumor about our company as they terminated the business relationship with us."

"What kind of rumor?"