Lynch (2) – PART 1

Gun-Ho and Attorney Young-Jin Kim followed Ms. Angelina Rein to a small meeting room. Gun-Ho sat at the table facing the vice president—Mr. Brandon Burke while Attorney Kim was sitting at the opposite side of Ms. Angelina Rein facing her.

Mr. Brandon Burke talked first while looking at Gun-Ho.

"We came this far Mr. Gun-Ho Goo. We are so pleased to have a good business partner."

"I am very delighted as well to have a chance to work with a global company like Lymondell Dyeon."

"We have constantly talked about the terms of the joint venture, so I guess we have only a few things left to discuss. We already prepared the necessary paperwork here. Here is the gist of its content for you to read."

The vice president— Mr. Brandon Burke showed the contract along with a summary of the contract content to Gun-Ho.

1. The joint venture's authorized capital will be 20 million dollars and the paid-in capital will be 10 million dollars. Investment in kind is allowed.