Job Appointment (1) – PART 1

Gun-Ho asked for the chief officer of the research center.

"Please select two smart engineers at the research center. We will send them to Dyeon to receive training on chemical compounds."

"Can I select someone who is currently working in another department?"

"Sure. It doesn't matter. We just need people who have great potential to be one of the top engineers."

"I suppose we also need to consider whether the person would stay with us for the long-term. We don't want to train someone who would leave the company soon."


"If the person left for one of our competitor companies either in Korea or in China after he receives necessary training from Dyeon and gains relevant work experience after he returns to our company, then that could incur a tremendous loss to our company."

"You're right. We will need to take that into account as well in selecting the engineers for the training."