Recruit (1) – Part 1

Gun-Ho wanted to discuss the formation of the sales company in China with Min-Hyeok Kim.

Once Dyeon Korea—the joint venture with Lymondell Dyeon—started producing products, they would have to sell them in China.

"Min-Hyeok? Is this a good time to talk?"

"Yes, it's good."

"Once Dyeon Korea starts its business, it will produce products right away. If so, don't you think it would look proper if we sell the products in China with the name GH Parts Company?"

"Well, I suppose… If we form a sales company for it, it would be like we are operating two separate business entities."

"That's right."

"What if we make a distribution center in China for Dyeon Korea?"

"That will diminish the credibility, not to mention the complication with the tax report."

"If we establish a new entity in China, then how about naming it Dyeon China?"